第84章 深渊茗雪


  桃乐丝嘴角抽了抽,解释道:“You big idiot, even the inflatable doll, don't know, idiot!I really don't know how you live! Even the inflatable doll is what all don't know!”

  “I don't know, but I'm too pure.The inflatable doll what ah?”元淳赤不明白地摸了摸自己的脑袋。


  “Well, the SD doll is what ah?”元淳赤再一次疑惑的摇摇头,问道桃乐丝。

  “The SD doll?”桃乐丝无语的抚了抚额,“Oh! My God! You are silly or stupid!I really do not understand how the world would you like this man!”

  元淳赤听了桃乐丝的话,同样也是非常非常的无奈道:“Little friend, how can you say me like this?”

  “我说你到底是怎么了!能说中文TM地就偏偏不说中文!越扯越远!我看照这个样子继续扯下去你就要用日语来跟我Greeting,Say hello了!Also said that the number of times not to call me little friendYou can not understand me deaf!”说着,桃乐丝边推开堵在自己面前的元淳赤。






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