第13章 江南永真






  “Can also(还可以啦)!”叶歆怡挠挠头,也用着英语答道!

  “Oh, listen to your pronunciation, it is quite accurate!(哦,听你的发音,看来还是挺准确的嘛)”‘讲桌’老师有些惊讶!

  “In fact, I have spoken English is good point, or who have to cram!(其实,我也就口语比较好点而已,要不然谁还来补习啊)”叶歆怡笑道!

  “The purpose of lea**ing a language is not in order to communicate with people!(学习语言的目的还不就是为了与人交流)”‘讲桌’老师微笑道!

  “However, if you don't know the word, is not blind!(可是,要是不认识字,还不是个睁眼瞎)”叶歆怡说出了自己心里的想法!

  “Is this truth, English and Chinese are not the same, the word is to remember!(是这个道理,英语和汉语不一样,单词是要记得)”‘讲桌’老师道!

  “That is, that is, I know, then I will listen to you to speak to every class, listening to your oral English is so good, certainly in special education teaching!(那是,那是,我知道,以后我一定好好听您讲得每节英语课,听您的口语这么好,教学肯定也教得特别好)”叶歆怡吹捧道!

  “I think I was not as good as yours!(我看我的还不如你的好呢)”‘讲桌’老师道!



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